Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bounding bunnies and carrots

For the last orange week of April, I thought I would serve carrots. However, I made these for last year's Rainbow Challenge bounding bunny quilt.

I have finally gotten all the bounding bunnies rounded up and sewn them together with a two inch sashing. The carrots will go in the middle.

I am showing a photoshop compilation of what the bunnies and carrots will look like when sewn together because Molly was not letting me use the design wall. (And Typhoon is only an innocent bystander, or I should say gawker.) I will sew the final last two seams when cats are sleeping and my nerves are less frayed.

Meanwhile, I suggest you visit the other participants in the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge and see what they are serving up for the fifth and final week of orange.


  1. So fun. Orange is the perfect colour to make food for the rabbits.

  2. Looks like your bunny quilt is about 9.5 cats tall. Or at least 9.5 Buddy/Typhoons tall.
    (I love these bounding bunnies, and plan to make some myself. Maybe a table *runner*...) (sorry)

  3. I love the carrot blocks. Can't wait to see it all together if you are allowed to show it.

  4. Love the carrots with the bunnies!

  5. you've gone bunny crazy! Those carrots are Great with them. LeeAnna

  6. That is a wonderful, colorful group of bunnies! What do you call a group of rabbits anyway? (According to Wikipedia, it's a colony or a nest, unless they are domestic rabbits, which are called a herd.)
    The carrots are the perfect addition!

  7. perfect blocks to join all those colorful rabbits.
    Have a wonderful week

  8. The carrots and the bunnies are adorable together. Love what you're doing here.

  9. Oh my goodness... what a terrific quilt! So fun and creative!

  10. Those carrots placed in alternating orientation are so cute! I hope the bunnies remember to share. WHat!?! Do your kitties fray your nerves? Remember, it could be worse - they could be human teenagers! ;-)

  11. Oh this is looking good - love the setting for the carrots!

  12. Sally, in the box with my latest WIP project I discovered another ton of orange, mostly strips. Maybe I should send them to you to feed that army of varacious bunnies.

  13. Oh my goodness, Sally. This bunny quilt is adorable! LOVE those carrots!!! (well, and the bunnies!!!)

  14. Carrots and bunnies. What a perfect combination!

  15. Bunnies and carrots...why am I thinking of a certain cartoon rabbit?

  16. That is turning out to be the cutest quilt EVER!!!

  17. Adore the bounding bunnies!! The carrots were the perfect finishing touch!!!!

  18. Quilting should be fun. This fits the bill exactly. Beautiful.

  19. Fantastic, love this design!
