Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Mountains and molehills

Delectable Mountains comes together faster than I would have thought. Or maybe it only feels that way because I'm making these blocks as a leader and an ender. That sounds deceptively organized. Frankly, I have many projects going at once that I don't know what is leading and what is following.

In any case, here are some more sections for the pickle dish quilt.

Meanwhile Molly has a public service announcement. At this time of year, some parts of the country may be fixated on snow. However, the real danger lurks within the sewing room...the fabric avalanche. Stay vigilant!


  1. I agree, Delectable Mountains goes together like a dream - I made one for the RSC 1015 - and another one is one the cards. Like the plaids you're using here., and a nice grey background for the three new Pickle Dish segments. Molly seems to have a liking for KFcollective fabrics and is sitting by one l love - the sludge colourway.

  2. Well, mountains are where avalanches come from, so it might be self-inflicted...
