Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Still Setting Up

After buying a new rotary cutter, I found both of mine. So I was able to set up a cutting station, also known as a pay attention to Molly station. Now that we have left Kitten U on the east coast, Molly has started home schooling. For her first project, she has taught herself how to get into the kitchen cupboards. I have heard some strange banging which I thought came from neighbors...but it apparently comes from ambitious feline learning.

I also have to figure out what project to work on. I missed out on the Poodle Party during the move, but it seems like I should come back to this project and at least finish the quilt top.

But I also found the vintage butterfly blocks. So that might be the easiest project to restart.

And Buddy is practicing for Pets on Quilts 2017.


  1. Everyone knows you must purchase a new one before it is possible to find a lost item. We use that strategy all the time here at the Three Cats Ranch. Love the poodle block. I haven't seen that one before. Great fabric choices.

  2. I have found the fastest way to find something you've misplaced is to go out and buy a new one. I believe it might be one of Murphy's Laws. Have fun choosing a project to start back up on. Have a good day! --Andrea

  3. I just want to say thank you again for sharing your super cute poodle pattern. We've had quite a poodle party this month. Excitement is still high as I wait for those fabric guests to arrive. So glad you're moving in is getting done. Can't wait until you start blogging again. Yup, buying another one always works in finding the lost one. I've got rulers, and mats, and cutters, and scissors to prove it!

  4. Replace it and it will be found. Or, don't do a craft for 5 years, get rid of everything, and decide it is time to get back to the craft so buy it all again. Sigh.

    So glad the kitties seem to be adjusting. I hear the cupboard doors here quite frequently. It seems they can get into a cupboard but not out. Just push you silly felines. Oh, and anything that can possibly make a kitty ill under the cupboards is in heavy duty freezer bags, well sealed. Just like child proofing, but for a really long time, not just a couple of years. :)

    Love the poodles.

  5. Oh nice pose from Buddy!! Love the poodle with his very neat hair cut and brightly coloured tufts.

  6. Alfalfa and Darla leave the cupboards alone, but they love to play hide and sneak attack in the bathtub. And boy does THAT make noise. Glad you found all your cutters - now there is one for each of you.

  7. I see Buddy chose bunnies to pose with - Bunny Buddy or Buddy Bunny - excellent!
