Sunday, October 22, 2017

Squirrel Challenge

I am joining in with Gayle of Mangofeet's Squirrel-a-long. These are bunnies, not squirrels. However, these bunnies want to be a charity quilt for my quilt guild. These eight bunnies will make one small quilt.

And I found extra I-spy blocks and parts for another.

And these extra pieces are now put together with a border. Layering and quilting is the next step for this one.

And I am continuing to make the Friendship star variation. Except...

If you aren't careful, the friendship star variation varies and becomes a spinner, or maybe a fidgety quilter spinner. But in true squirrel fashion, I'm thinking that I should at least make four to see how well they play together.


  1. Love the bunnies and you are so kind to make charity quilts. Your star blocks are interesting and the variations really neat.


  2. Nice secondary pattern comes out to play in both of your "friendship star variations". What is right? - what is wrong? --- only plays in our own minds.
    To every one else looking on, it looks great no matter what. In other words, I love both variations :-)

  3. Squirrel!
    (And I spy some 4-patches in that pile of squirrels!) (/Scribbling note to self. Wouldn't want to run out of squirrels)

  4. Oh my! Can I join the Squirrel-Along since I sewed a squirrel this week? Love your Silly Wabbits!

  5. I really like how with the spinner blocks, one spins the opposite direction so creates a diamond between the blocks. And I love the monkey in the I spy blocks. You have the greatest fabric 😊.

  6. Squirreling around is getting lots accomplished.

  7. Does Molly know that you are posting without pictures of her and the dog? She may never forgive you. <3
