Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Close, but no cigar

There is something about assembling a quilt top that makes it seem like it should come together so much faster than it does. And its that false sense that keeps me sewing well after I should just step away from the sewing machine. I was making lots of weird mistakes, yet I persisted. Then I was putting horizontal sashing on the bottom of the top panel...and discovered I had made the sashing WAY TOO LONG. So I took out blocks until it fit.

Yup, when I took it to the wall, I cocked my head and realized the sashing had been fine. My problem was that I had sewn the top panels together along the long edge instead of the short edge. Oops. Where's my seam ripper...

Let's blame it on Buddy.


  1. How big are those pieces? There must be a gazillion pieces in that quilt! It is stunning!

  2. Oh my. You need some catnip after all that.

  3. I think Molly put Buddy up to it, though...

  4. That false sense keeps me sewing too. I don't think I would be a quilter without it. Every day I find three projects I want to start, yet there is a pileup of projects from previous days. Keep going, you can do it!

  5. Closing in on total dementia?
