We get our next clue for Bonnie Hunter's Good Fortune mystery tomorrow. And this morning I gathered up all the bits that were flying around and combined them into one pile...off of the cutting board. That left some empty room on the cutting table, so I cleared the rest of it and began the second layer of the bunny quilt. The major drawback of my approach is that now that the bunny quilt top is stitched to the batting, I need to take the pins out and then attach the back.
I also have to make the back...I'm using the Dear Stella bunnies. And you may notice that the bunnies are all sitting in one direction on the back (instead of tossed). So my goal will be to have both sides of the backing facing in the same direction and match that to the bunnies on the front.
Molly wants to help but we have different opinions about what the word "help" means.
Recently, Molly's naughty dial has gotten stuck on 11.
Buddy only has a switch that is flipped to Buddy.
We cannot tell a lie...we killed a bunny this past summer. Our mom was sad about the bunny. We tossed ours too, and so we’re writing to warn you to be careful when tossing bunnies. Smitty & Sadie