Monday, October 28, 2019

Scrappy stars and more fabric

This afternoon (with sun streaking in through the front window), I laid out the blue scrappy stars in preparation for sewing them together. Buddy immediately attacked one of the scrappy stars and beat it into submission.

Buddy was so boisterous I did not realize he was diverting attention from the kitten spy (upper left corner in the previous photo).

And here are nine of the furoshiki from the estate sale. Most of them feature rabbits. And strangely the lower right rabbits are sitting next to a pile of eggs. And all of the bunnies in the orange panel say their name is Gayle. The upper left furoshiki features a cat.

Here's the cat up close. This is not a clandestine cat.

There were a few half yard cuts hiding in with the one yard cuts of the African print fabric. And along with the furoshiki was a narrow panel of pink cotton fabric guessed it...more bunnies.


  1. Perhaps these fabrics were originally bought in reference to the year of the rabbit? They ARE pretty. Silly kitty.

  2. The furoshiki cat's name is Tama. I know that because there is a set of 12 Tama pieces and I made them into an entire quilt. Tama looks like our dearly departed kitty George and we call it the "George in Heaven" quilt because all the panels look like such fun places for cats!

  3. Kitties and bunnies and bears, oh my!
    (Oh, wait, there's no bears.)
    Kitties and bunnies and more kitties, oh my!

  4. Both hubby and I were born in the Year of the Rabbit! What a fun collection!

  5. I suspect the rabbits in the lower right furoshiki are actually sitting next to a pile of mochi. From what I remember from my classes, there's a frequent motif in Japanese art of the rabbit in the moon (Western people see a man in the moon, the Japanese see a rabbit) pounding rice to make mochi.
