Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Back to Legos

I'm back to making blocks for the legos quilt. The final block is shown on the right. In the past, I have made a single ribbon from bits of 1.25 inch strips. Then I cut that long strip into shorter 7.5 inch strips. I then sew those together to make blocks. That way I can take some time and put things together in pleasant combinations.

Maybe too pleasant. So for this go round, I made long single ribbons and sewed them into three combined ribbons. Then I combined those to get my nine strip width. Which is at least 12 feet long. My next step is to cut the blocks from this megastrip.


  1. So, wild lego megastrip? megalego?
    Can't wait to see this...
    (Speaking of see, I spy a cat in your legos.)

  2. Love these scrappy lego blocks. They have been on my block list for awhile. Thank you for sharing your block construction tips.
