Monday, July 27, 2015

Foster kittens, round two

Here's one of the new foster kittens. It's five weeks old. He also came with his brother. And to make things very complicated, added to this litter is a nine week old kitten. One might think that the older kitten could show the young ones the ropes, but its the older one that is struggling. The little ones know how to use the litter pan, but not the older one. The little tykes are still working on their mobility, and are just getting an inkling about play...which is what cat tails are for...if you didn't know.

This is the five week old brother. The other kitten is also all black, which makes it hard to get a good photo of them. In other foster kitten news, Petunia was adopted last Saturday. I stopped by the shelter and met the couple who had fallen in love with her and were going to adopt her. Great timing! So now all you have to do is keep your fingers crossed for Taylor (who was the most well adjusted of that litter.)


  1. Our cat adoptions have been so slow this year. Congrats on two of your fosters getting adopted!

  2. What a a special thing to do! I have had luck using either exquisicat or kittenattract litter when I had kittens learning to use the litter box, they are attracted to the smell.

  3. Awww...
    My aunt does kitten fostering (when she's going to be in town for long enough. She travels a lot.) I don't think I'd be able to do it - I'd want to keep all the kittens. And I mean ALL the kittens...

  4. You are a glutton for punishment! :-)

  5. What a beautiful new tabby kitten, and I'm sure they keep you busy. Good news about Petunia and here's hoping that Taylor finds a good home too.

  6. So cute and what a great thing you are doing for these little orphans.... even if it is turning your house upside down!!

  7. So sweet. There's nothing better in the whole wide world than kittens.
