Thursday, November 22, 2018


Molly would like to present her Thanksgiving Day turkey.

And here's my Thanksgiving Day owl. Because Molly likes wool so much, I made her a little felted owl to play with.  It's called a Woolbuddy. So I suppose you won't be surprised if it went missing. I looked all over because I wanted to take a picture of it before I gave it to Molly.

I found it sitting next to Buddy. It didn't look as good as it had so I made some repairs. I also made a little wool ball and called it a WoolMolly. Buddy stole that too. And that's how it became known as Thanks-stealing.


MissPat said...

The wool owl is adorable. You really can't blame Buddy for wanting one, too.

QuiltGranma said...

L-O-L! Thanks- stealing! Apparently it is something that buddy loves! Make them more, maybe bigger to hug better too.