Saturday, November 14, 2020

Flatten the Kittens!

 I think I may have a kitten problem. It appears that the number of kittens are doubling each day. 

Molly is less worried about having too many kittens around...

and is more worried that the kittens may have brothers that ask to crash on the couch and then never leave.


Turid said...

Wow, this is a great number of kittens. Hopefully they won't need food.

Julierose said...

Lots of very pretty kitties hanging out on your wall...hugs, Julierose

Katie said...

I vote for letting the kittens run their course. Get it over with. The kittens. Not any other thing that might be attempting to spike out of control right now. That thing I am firmly for keeping under control. Perhaps by staying home and making more kittens!

gayle said...

You can never have too many kittens. Even Flattened-by-Buddy kittens.

Quilting Babcia said...

Kittens are so funny, the way they just pop up out of nowhere! Looks like you have a squirrel, 'er kitten invasion well underway.

Cathy said...

Your kitten cases are definitely spiking. But kitten curves are cute, so no need to flatten them. Unless you don’t want to end up with a million kittens in 30 days.

MissPat said...

At least with all these kittens, you shouldn't have a problem with mice.

Susan said...

Do all these kittens have mittens?