Monday, August 3, 2015


The quilting on the ocean waves quilt is marching along. I have added an extra step to my basting process that even seems crazy to me...but is working rather well. When I made the reversible quilt for my great grand nephew, I pin basted a top to the batting, then did some overall machine quilting. Then I took out the pins, then redid the pins, but this time adding the reverse top (i.e. backing).

About one fourth of the machine quilting is very light because its just a top and batting. And because I'm essentially only basting two layers at a time, I'm less apt to find mysterious puckers.

In any case, you can see that I've already reached the stage where I've added the backing fabric. And I'm just quilting straight lines on the horizontal and diagonal.

The foster kitten progress is stalled, however, as they are deep into their upper respiratory infections. I take them into a steamed shower stall to ease their congestion. And happily, they are still eating. But their play lessons have been postponed temporarily until they feel better.

Meanwhile, I love Cathy's standing bunnies over at Sane, Crazy, and Crumby Quilting, and I suggest you go check them out!


Mystic Quilter said...

Oh Dear!! What a sad looking kitty - doesn't look well at all, hope they're all feeling better very, very soon.
Now your basting method is a new one on me, but if it works go with it I say.

gayle said...

Aww... Poor Itty Kitty...
Cathy's bunnies are absolutely adorable. You made her the perfect pattern!
And I love your batiky ocean waves.

Barbara said...

Aw, poor baby. And you're being such a good mommy to them.