Sunday, April 14, 2024

Back to Backing

 After so much manic machine quilting last month, I thought maybe I should try having some machine quilting on tap that I do a bit every day or something boring like that. I pulled out a couple of quilts that  I considered too large for my purposes. I have gotten lazier and prefer to back with a wide backing when the quilts get larger. 

The spiral log cabin is a bit on the smaller side...something like 60 in by 72 in.

I started with the orange butterfly print and then pulled fabric that seemed to go together...but this conglomeration definitely does not go with the spiral quilt.

Then I remembered the butterfly quilt...also on the smaller side, so this will be my next machine quilting project.

And here is a completely different conception of machine quilting from the Clark County quilt show. This quilt is called Laurel Leaf and was made by Cathy Erickson.

Here is the quilt description.

And here is a closeup of the quilting.

1 comment:

gayle said...

I'd forgotten the butterfly quilt! Perfect backing for it - looks meticulously planned, in fact!