Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Flash Forward

 Here's the latest Stonefield block...and this is the last block for the month...whatever month. This would have a lot more meaning if I was still following the books in order. 

Meanwhile, most of my time has been spent working on this quilt. It may look very similar to the last post...however...at the point that most quilters move ahead and sew the quilt blocks together, I usually come to the realization that I want it to be bigger. In this case, I decided to add a row and a column. I then had to move the blocks around etc. and so I am back to where I was at the last post, except with a bigger quilt. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Two More Blocks

 I think this is the most complex block in the Stonefield quilt (so far). The original has the sunflower embedded within an outer circle, but that seemed to make it more complex but not add anything. The construction called for taking the pink triangle, sew it to the diamond and then an outer wedge to complete the circle. Repeat 12 times. To make it accurate, I figured I would need to use paper piecing.

I will leave sewing small pieces to nutty quilters. I appliquéd two circles...the light pink and a dark pink circle and then appliquéd 12 green diamonds on to the pink circle. Finally, I asked the 12 cats to stop fighting and line themselves neatly on each diamond.

 And here is the last of the three hexagon flower blocks.

And here is Molly eating her breakfast at her desk as part of Buddy's diet. When Molly is hungry, she sits at the desk and waits for me to feed her. She has requested a bell to call for service, but I pretend I don't understand cat...which is true. I sit nearby distracting Buddy so he won't push her out of the way and steal her food.

Here is Buddy sitting at Molly's dining desk hoping that the world is fair and I will feed him like Molly if he does what she does. Instead he receives a hearty laugh and a disrespectful comment that he is wearing his "more than fair" share around his midsection. (The grainy, dark photo was taken from across the room). I did compliment him for being audaciously adorable.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 I have spent some time moving the blocks around...and needless to say as I was pulling this image up I caught some more problem areas...repeat blocks too close and areas that are too dark. I will have to go check and see if they bother me in real life.

Meanwhile, Buddy continues on working on new slimming poses. After he debuted this pose, I told him about Tripod Tommy and I suspect this will be the last time Buddy sports this pose.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Two More Blocks

 Two more blocks for the Stonefield quilt by Susan Smith. I like blocks where I spend more time picking out fabrics than sewing. The next two blocks for the month are fussier so the cats can expect to hear a few more naughty words (although Molly knows them all already).

Thursday, January 23, 2025


 Here is a new block for the Stonefield quilt. The instructions call for a 2.75 inch circle, but the owl informed me it needed more space...and I am not one to argue with an owl that wears his alter ego on his chest.

And I made more glorified nine patch blocks so the underlay is finished. I am going to make some of the curved appliqué overlays so I can get a better sense of what this quilt will look like. All of the larger squares are going to lose a lot of real estate and I don't quite see it yet. Right now I am planning to use white(ish) curves, but realize that the quilt may have other plans.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Uneven Nine Patch

Sometime back when, I decided I needed more bits for the postage stamp quilt so I started the revised Pick-a-Petal quilt. One of the blocks in that quilt is an uneven nine patch with overlaid curves. Since then I have seen it referred to as a glorified nine patch, but I'm certain it has an old timey name too. Here are the uneven nine patch blocks that I have made so far. I need to make another handful so I can fill out the bottom row. 

Buddy laid out in front of the quilt as I was taking the picture so you could have something adorable to look at. (Notice how he extends his paw for the infamous slimming trick.)

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Four More

 Here are three more blocks for the Stonefield quilt by Susan Smith. All of the stars are supposed to have the four appliqué circles, but sometimes you have to just say no. And I realize that there are quilts that have thousands of these circles for berries on a vine. And yes, I had Karen Buckley circles to work with. And who am I to complain about a piece being small. But no. If and when I put all the blocks together in the quilt, I will stop and evaluate whether it needs eight more tiny circles.

And just to make the point muddier, I spent way too long making a block with small hexagons and fussy cut alarm clocks with a brown background.

And I would also like to address comments about Molly's fabric choice for an earlier block featuring little Buddy figures in hexagons. First, please remember that Molly was abandoned by her mother and dumped in a foster home in rural Virginia when she was only three months old. Now, Molly is the "Most Beautiful and Intelligent Cat in the World" according to the best, groundbreaking AI on the planet. Plus, Molly is not wrong. Recently, Buddy's vet reclassified him as Felis Porcus. And oddly enough, the key strategy for his weight loss is to monitor everything Molly eats because of Buddy's eat Molly's food first strategy.