Friday, June 30, 2017

Four vintage butterfly blocks

Four new blocks! Finally! These are an addition to my vintage butterfly blocks.

And yes, Molly's look might be a cry for help.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Still Setting Up

After buying a new rotary cutter, I found both of mine. So I was able to set up a cutting station, also known as a pay attention to Molly station. Now that we have left Kitten U on the east coast, Molly has started home schooling. For her first project, she has taught herself how to get into the kitchen cupboards. I have heard some strange banging which I thought came from neighbors...but it apparently comes from ambitious feline learning.

I also have to figure out what project to work on. I missed out on the Poodle Party during the move, but it seems like I should come back to this project and at least finish the quilt top.

But I also found the vintage butterfly blocks. So that might be the easiest project to restart.

And Buddy is practicing for Pets on Quilts 2017.

Monday, June 26, 2017


It's a bit amazing how much I could get done without thinking about it. But after the move, I have to reconsider every step and each item needed for each step along the way. I thought all I would need to do is set up a sewing machine and everything would be back as it was. No, it turns out an iron and a cutting board are useful, especially if they have a bit of table to sit on. Yesterday, I concluded that I would never see my rotary cutter again, so I stopped by Fabric Depot, a local warehouse fabric store, and bought one. I did not even consider looking at fabric. And today I did find the right sewing machine foot, and the cord that let's me move pictures from the camera to the computer. Tomorrow, I will work on thread and a needle for the sewing machine.

Today Molly impersonated Houdini. I heard her faint mews and a bit of scratching. And yes, I did open the refrigerator twice looking for her. I pulled out some treats and Buddy came running. Only faint mews from Molly. Molly found a small cutout in the cupboard under the kitchen sink that leads to the kitchen dead space...that corner area underneath where two kitchen counters meet. She did scramble out of that hole finally and I opened the cupboard under the sink to let her out.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Closing in

I put up one of the shelving units I use for storing larger hunks of fabric. You might remember that these were also used as the back for the infamous design wall. The living room of this apartment is a dark hole, so it is perfect for storing fabric. However, since I don't know how long I'll be here, I have decided to keep the rest of this fabric stored in boxes.

You might remember a large pile of boxes stacked here a few days ago. Those have been opened and sorted and replaced with the boxes of fabric that I stored on the shelving units. Molly has been having a marvelous time climbing all around the boxes, so I thought I would make a window jungle gym for her covered in chenille fabric. As you can tell, now she won't go anywhere near it.

Next, with the weaving loom moved into place, the dining nook is complete.  Completely unusable for dining, that is.

And yes, I uncovered the sewing table and tomorrow's activities will include adding the sewing machine and maybe sewing a seam or two.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Today, Molly gave me careful, precise instructions on how to empty a moving box. My sister also came over and was actually helpful instead of theoretically helpful. My sister also had the honor of feeding Buddy treats. Buddy reserves this honor to only those people who wrinkle a treat bag and offer him treats.

By the end of day Molly concluded that there is more fabric than apartment.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Counting cats

I should have expected that Molly would be as industrious at helping me unpack as she is with everything else including quilting. First, she had me start the day with a photograph.

And yes, as usual she is quite disappointed with my progress...although I'm also unpacking a similar mound in another room. Buddy, of course, is quite pleased as long as I can count two cats at the end of the day.

But really I think Molly is more concerned that I seem to be dismantling her new playground. And I'm starting to wonder what else might be missing...I realized that my ironing board didn't make the journey. To make things more interesting, the first few items the movers delivered were not mine. And one of the items was a fantastic wooden Singer sewing case that I assume had a sewing machine inside. I have to admit that I paused before admitting it wasn't mine.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Oregon Delivery

Hi, it's Molly your guest blogger. Staff has gone over the deep end and has failed to keep up her blog while she treats me to almost daily indignities and crazy surprises. Just yesterday, I was locked in a bathroom and when I came out, the massive hoard that we abandoned in Virginia was now piled high in our Oregon apartment. And yes, this window ledge is the only area not yet piled with fabric.

I suggested that blog readers would be fascinated to see empty fabric racks and massive mounds of boxes. She insists, however, that everyone would really prefer to see me posing in a window.

And Buddy's dog-like tendencies means that he has adjusted well to our daily indignities. In fact, he seems quite happy in this apartment with the brown carpet and beige walls. Boring!

I expect that staff will return to blogging again tomorrow. Today was the first chance in over a week that she has had to stroke fabric. She still has to set up her sewing machine. Meanwhile, her cutting table, which she has used since the early 80s, did not travel well. In some strange tribute to Tripod Tommy, the three-legged cat, the movers delivered the table top and only three of its legs.

Sunday, June 11, 2017



Molly and Buddy arrived in Portland, OR safely. Staff arrived, but has some battle scars. We are setting up a new household...and yes, we are decorating our digs based on the new favorite color Buddy Putty.


I will get back to regular blog posting when I am reunited with my computers...and fabric...and sewing machine. Meanwhile, I am heading out to drop off Molly for a surprise play date with Smitty of Three Cat Ranch.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Winding Down

Smitty and Sadie over at Three Cat Ranch asked whether my quilts were tested for snuggability. It should surprise no one that Molly is an efficient multi-tasker.

Meanwhile, the packing of the flat folds of fabric continues. But I'm also saying my good-byes.

Tonight was my last performance with Big Blue Door, a wonderful improv company here in Charlottesville. The classes are magical, and being part of the performance runs has been a blast. I started taking improv classes about the same time I began fostering kittens here at Kitten U...and there probably are serious health risks associated with that much hilarity.

And I guess I could say that its time to get back to work packing...but you all know that what I'm really doing is stroking each piece of fabric as I put it in a box.