Molly thoroughly enjoys Boxing Day...
and giving unsolicited advice about arranging elements in a quilt block.
I appliquéd everything on this block to avoid fighting Molly for space at the sewing machine. Instead she laid out in front of me on the floor waiting for me to misplace a needle, pin or a luscious strand of thread.
I also made a fourth butterfly after Buddy asked for his toys back. And I know that statement is ridiculous because Buddy just takes whatever he wants for a toy and runs off with it.
Here's Buddy asking me to forgive him for being relentlessly naughty. Again, that statement is ridiculous because Buddy thinks he's misunderstood, not naughty and Buddy has never used the word relentlessly in his life.
And here's a photo of my cat.
She named it Parakeet Massacre.
Dear Jane Alternate Universe blocks are 5 inches unfinished.
Meanwhile, I did manage to make one of the four butterfly blocks for the Stonefields quilt by Susan Smith. I tend to sew with my nose too close to the work, so I didn't see that the butterfly's body had taken a drastic tilt until I was finished. I may fix it one day, but not today.
Back when I was working on the Dear Jane quilt, I began making Dear Jane alternate blocks, one of which was this version of an Owl and Pussycat block.
I made some changes in the blog settings and we'll see if that solves the "no reply" problem. Meanwhile, my furnace went out and the repairman told Molly that she was beautiful. He also noted that she was talkative and apparently didn't realize she was supervising and telling him what to do. That may also be why we have heat again.
Meanwhile, I'm having a problem that I saw mentioned in other blogs...that all the comments I get are now all "no reply" which means I'm not provided with the email address to reply to. I looked to see if there was something I needed to change in my blog settings but couldn't find anything. If anyone has some insight into let me know.
And here is a poor cat head whose life is so unfair because he is forced to play when he wants so desperately to eat his sister's dinner. When Molly has a meal, I have to sit near by and prevent Buddy from inhaling it. Buddy has to receive lots of playtime, massages and attention to make up for his food deprivation. Once Molly has finished her meal, he goes and eats his own food.
And here is a poor cat head whose life is so unfair because she is forced to eat when she wants so desperately to play. Molly has to eat boring food while watching her brother Buddy lavished with toys and attention. After eating, Molly wonders if there is even a small scrap of fun left for her.
The instructions said to make three of these blocks. So I added a monkey (which is also a nickname I have for Molly).
And a squirrel that is about to open a nut...and inside the nut is a kernel for a new quilt idea.
Here is the finished Stonefield block from yesterday.
Also under the category of fool's mission is the postage stamp quit. All of the bits are now 16 patches and I am arranging them on the design wall. Of course, I need to find each one its best match, so its a bit slow. Each postage stamp is 3/4 inch, so the 16 patch is 3 inches finished.
I have also begun working on the Stonefield quilt by Susan Smith and have now finished the first five months. Tonight I'll start Month 6.