Saturday, August 2, 2014

Tommy was ecstatic to learn about the Pets on Quilts Show 2014. (He read about it on Cat Patches, one of the blogs he reads.) He had planned to be the guest blogger for today's post and had already compiled his Top 100 favorite photos of himself. That's when I stepped in. The photo above shows a nice mix of cat and quilt.
And this is the quilt before Tommy coated it with "Catguard," a special protective layer of white fur that repels stains and people.

Tommy prefers a photo with more cat and less quilt.

He also thinks that there may be too much emphasis placed on finished quilts, because he feels some of his best work features quilts he helps to make.

His brother, Jimmy, was a big fan of the fabric stash.

And even helped with fabric selection. Jimmy especially excelled at rearranging quilt blocks laid out on the floor.

Meanwhile, over at the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge, bright green is the new color for August. Tommy said that I already have enough green kittens and that I should pull these four out of the green collection and pretend they are a new litter. Meanwhile, if you would like to see more pets on quilts, go here.


Karen said...

Your cats and cate blocks are adorable.

Barbara said...

Tommy and Jimmy are two gorgeous hunks. Not surprising they had a top 100 all worked up.

Sheila said...

What a delightful post! Love the pictures. Have a good week.

Cathy said...

The green kitties are so cute but I must say I just love your Fractured quilt. I think that's one of the best ones I've seen yet.

sew.darn.quilt said...

Such handsome boys! Love your fractured quilt, it's gorgeous!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a great blog post! So fun! Loved the photos... and the idea of pretending to have a new litter! LOL

tink's mom said...

Love the photo choices of the boys at work and at rest. Never heard of Catguard before but have experienced it. Love your Green Cat quilt.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

OMG - great photos - totally in awe over all that blue stash too.

Loris said...

Tommy and Jimmy appear to be very serious about their work. You are a lucky quilter!

Dana Gaffney said...

Normally I agree with Tommy, more cats less quilts, but that quilt is amazing so please tell him thanks for letting us see it. Meanwhile he's gorgeous too, please pass that along also :)

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Love your fractured quilt! Your kittys look so relaxed and happy. Looks like they rule the roost!

Kim said...

They are so adorable! Love your quilt. It's so pretty.

Lilian Pilar said...

es una explosion de color, gracias por enseƱarlo...

Deb A said...

Love the cats on the quilts! I don't know if I agree with Tommy - putting those together and you might just find a bunch of little kittens in the morning!

Angie said...

Oh my! You are lucky to have such wonderful consultants! My cat Moxie finds quilting activities to be beneath her dignity.

sewyouquilt2 said...

cute little kitty helpers

Mystic Quilter said...

I love the idea of the Pets on Quilts Show and will go and take a peek. I'm not surprised to read that Jimmy was a fan of the fabric stash - your collections of blues is amazing!

Cheryl Lynch Quilts said...

This cracks me up. Jimmy loves my favorite color, blue.

Debra said...

Always love seeing pictures of Tommy! Jimmy looks adorable too - they make quite a pair! Love the green kitties.. I can't wait to see all of these pieces together.

Ruth said...

Tommy & Jimmy look great - lovely poses!

Karin said...

Tommy looks like a real gentleman ! I had a laugh at you "cat guard " comment. Yes, definitely on all of my quilts

Karin said...

Actually forgot to that quilt!

Missy Shay said...

I have not seen that block design, and your babies are very handsome fellas!

Qltr89 said...

Tommy has great taste in quilts. What a dazzling quilt.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Oh I just love Tommy!! the fabrics in your green block...

Sandra said...

Your cats are lovely. That top picture is so cute.

Nanbon44 said...

love the fabric stash guard...

Anonymous said...

Love your blue fabric stash! Sorry got distracted by fabric. Cute cat and wonderful quilt.

Susie said...

Tommy looks great on the quilt and as the stash guard, he obviously likes blue. Thanks for sharing, Hugs, Susie x

Frances Meredith said...

Tommy - handsome as always.

Christine M said...

Tommy is very cute.

Debby said...

Your quilt is beautiful - even if it does have catguard on it. I will have to borrow that term for my fuzzy quilts.