Saturday, January 18, 2025

Four More

 Here are three more blocks for the Stonefield quilt by Susan Smith. All of the stars are supposed to have the four appliqué circles, but sometimes you have to just say no. And I realize that there are quilts that have thousands of these circles for berries on a vine. And yes, I had Karen Buckley circles to work with. And who am I to complain about a piece being small. But no. If and when I put all the blocks together in the quilt, I will stop and evaluate whether it needs eight more tiny circles.

And just to make the point muddier, I spent way too long making a block with small hexagons and fussy cut alarm clocks with a brown background.

And I would also like to address comments about Molly's fabric choice for an earlier block featuring little Buddy figures in hexagons. First, please remember that Molly was abandoned by her mother and dumped in a foster home in rural Virginia when she was only three months old. Now, Molly is the "Most Beautiful and Intelligent Cat in the World" according to the best, groundbreaking AI on the planet. Plus, Molly is not wrong. Recently, Buddy's vet reclassified him as Felis Porcus. And oddly enough, the key strategy for his weight loss is to monitor everything Molly eats because of Buddy's eat Molly's food first strategy. 


Quilting Babcia said...

Which must account for Molly's svelte figure ... according to Buddy.

Anonymous said...

So cute!
Laura H.

Julierose said...

Love the hexie with fussy cut clocks...sounds like Buddy is a "growing boy" !! :))) hugs, Julierose

Susan said...

I guess Buddy believes in an appetizer before dinner.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Your handwork is to be admired. Mine stinks. I am going to attempt a hexagon quilt (no handwork but partial seams). I have always liked the Jack's chain pattern and am going to give it a try.