Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Flash Forward

 Here's the latest Stonefield block...and this is the last block for the month...whatever month. This would have a lot more meaning if I was still following the books in order. 

Meanwhile, most of my time has been spent working on this quilt. It may look very similar to the last post...however...at the point that most quilters move ahead and sew the quilt blocks together, I usually come to the realization that I want it to be bigger. In this case, I decided to add a row and a column. I then had to move the blocks around etc. and so I am back to where I was at the last post, except with a bigger quilt. 


Anonymous said...

Beautiful, both of them!
Laura Haynes

gayle said...

Yeah, whatever month. Thuvember? Arguary?

Anonymous said...
