Thursday, September 27, 2018

NW Quilt Expo

Here is the owl quilt "Parliament" on display at the NW Quilt Expo. I was quite pleased with how well behaved they are...especially given what a menace they were when I was making them. The machine quilting must have knocked out all of their knock knock jokes.

And this was the big fancy ribbon sitting next to Smitty's quilt (with some credit to Barbara Stanbro as staff). I assume she will fill you in on all the details at her blog Cat Patches.


Frances Meredith said...

Wow, what a beautiful ribbon

Barbara said...

Well, I love your owls. I’m glad they behaved themselves. It would have been embarrassing if they had harrassed lookers-on. Thank you for notifying me of Smitty’s pink ribbon. It made my day, and since I was sick, I needed my day made. Feeling better today, and heading out.

Linda in Arkansas said...

What a beautiful Quilt! I see you put a lot of thought into those fabric choices. This is one of those quilts one can spend hours appreciating. I love how each owl is so unique.

gayle said...

I still love your owls, even in their well-behaved mode. (I'll miss their knock knock jokes, though)

Mystic Quilter said...

They all look very pleased with themselves! They're so loveable.