Sunday, March 31, 2024

Some Progress

 I finished the machine quilting on the spool quilt and added the binding. While I still like how the crazy design in the binding matches the energy of the spools, that cat fabric is a nightmare. It frays like crazy. Turns out its some off brand (but I don't remember from where). And I don't mean it frays a throws off bird nests. I definitely will not use it for the quilt sleeve.

And April me is going to be very angry with March me tomorrow. The sleeve is made for the seahorse quilt but it still has to be sewn on. Plus the binding for the spool quilt. And don't forget making a sleeve for the spools and sewing it on. I'm leaving the labels to Molly and Buddy...can't see how that could turn out badly.

Meanwhile the garden enjoyed a warm sunny day and dressed up for Easter.


Linda Swanekamp said...

Spools look terrific. Rosie hid for two days when my grandkids were here and finally came out last evening, very cross. The kids have 2 cats at home that they treat very well, so Rosie does not need to fear, but I think that is the Shelter cat in her. This morning I am getting the cold shoulder. Lovely blooms, I have a couple of daffodils blooming, but still cold here. said...

You will get it accomplished. . .You'll make lots of progress today!!!!

gayle said...

Well... 'cats' and 'nightmares' are words that often end up in the same sentence, no?
I envy you those gorgeous pink posies! I could have spent the afternoon happily gazing at them.

Shirley said...

So beautiful! The cat fabric may be difficult to work with but it is awesome.

Susan said...

Spool quilt looks amazing from the scrunched up portion I can see.