Thursday, January 23, 2025


 Here is a new block for the Stonefield quilt. The instructions call for a 2.75 inch circle, but the owl informed me it needed more space...and I am not one to argue with an owl that wears his alter ego on his chest.

And I made more glorified nine patch blocks so the underlay is finished. I am going to make some of the curved appliqué overlays so I can get a better sense of what this quilt will look like. All of the larger squares are going to lose a lot of real estate and I don't quite see it yet. Right now I am planning to use white(ish) curves, but realize that the quilt may have other plans.


MissPat said...

I like the uneven nine patches just the way they are. Will wait to see how the applique overlay works. I can't envision it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's beautiful the way it is! Nooooooo......


Susan said...

You mean you are going to cover up these lovely blocks with something else? Why not use plain fabric for the underlays?