Wednesday, August 5, 2020


August is Molly and Buddy's birthday month, so Molly thought I should show fabric as kittens. That would obviously be fabric rolled on bolts...just at the age of adoption. The youngest fabric I have are the flat folds, patiently waiting to grow up to be scraps. 

And speaking of August and scraps, the winners of this month's scrap give-away are:

I love all scraps and love making scrap quilts!

This is so fun! I like novelty fabrics and seem to be always low on reds. My cat Cici says fall colors that will enhance her orange fur! But getting anything in the mail that isn't a bill would be exciting!

I love your quilts and seeing all your fabrics and seeing what Molly & Buddy are up to! Your stash is amazing. Sometimes I see a fabric or two in your blocks that I also have, and for some reason that is exciting like getting a Bingo number. :-) I am currently cutting 2X2 novelty squares, so if you happen to have any little novelties, or something bright, those are my favorites.

Needless to say, the first winner is less than specific about the type of scraps she would like: kitten stage, early scrap, old scrap. Buddy insists that I should send food scraps because that is what he would want. Molly is ignoring his opinion, of course, but offered this as a cautionary tale to anyone who would suggest Buddy choose.


gayle said...

I would just like to come over and roll in your scraps. I guess Buddy will have to do that for me...

Linda in Arkansas said...

Congrats to the winners! I think Buddy's suggestion is good, I would let him choose for me anytime.

Dorothy said...

I am always amazed to see "my" fabrics in your stash since you came from the other side of the country. And then I get amazed pretty often anyway from other blogs that have "my" fabrics too. Great minds ???? And I am still madly in love with Buddy's blue eyes :-)

MissPat said...

Sometimes, a folded fabric jumps out of it's box and screams, "I want to be a scrap, too!" so then I just have to cut off a strip to quiet the room down. Wouldn't it be fun, if we ever get to meet in groups again, to have a scrap fight? Like a pillow fight, where everyone would throw scraps at each other and when it's over, you get to keep the scraps around you. I bet Buddy and Molly would be good at that game.

Susan said...

Congratulations to the winners. Happy Birthday month to Molly and Buddy. If Buddy sent fabrics with food representations on them, that would be okay with me. The food would be full of fiber :-)

Magpie Sue said...

I'm seriously contemplating going down to my LQS to see what "kittens" want to come home with me... ;-)

iheartispy said...

Wow! How did I get so lucky? Thank you!!! Hmm... Now I'd rather wait by the mailbox than go to work! :-) Happy Birthday month to Molly & Buddy!

QuiltGranma said...

LOL, Count me IN!

Beth said...

August is a big birthday month in our family, too--brothers, nieces, nephews, dad, grandmom, a sorta mom, all sorts of relatives, as well as one fine dog's arrival on a plane from Texas in August. We celebrate--or remember belatedly that we should have been celebrating--something about every other day. We shall add Buddy and Molly to that mix.

I love Christi's comment about spying a familiar fabric and likening it to getting a number on your Bingo card. I have that same excited reaction every single time I see someone has quilted with a bit of fabric I have--even one small square in a huge charm quilt will elicit a squeal and a shout of, "I have that fabric! Yep. I sure do!" and I often require John to look at it for himself, for confirmation and to share in the joy of this discovery. (He can never replicate my thrilled expression, for some reason.

Cathy said...

I want to win someone who will come arrange my fabrics like that. But then they would have to live with me because by the time it is all arranged I would need the bottom fabric or middle fabric in every stack and things would be a mess again. I use the pile it on method of organization right now.