Thursday, December 24, 2020

Conversation Overheard

Thunder:  Hey Lightning...I think I saw her move.

Lightning: Yes, she did move. But then so did you. You're going to be a blur in this photo. And quit calling me Lightning.

Thunder: Thunder likes to chase Lightning and bite her.

Molly Kitten: And you know that's not how it works out in real life?

Buddy: Sigh.

Molly Kitten: How do you think she's going to feel when she finds how that the new Apple "upgrade" includes a new file format that is incompatible with her 2019 Adobe photo editing software?

Buddy: I may have to go hide under the bed.

Molly Kitten: I think I'll sit on the desk while she tries to convert the photo AND then edit it because the steam coming out of her ears will be quite warming.

Buddy: I bet you'll also knock stuff off the desk while she's doing it. 

Molly Kitten: This is the way.


Dorothy said...

Merry Christmas to ALL of you. Thank you for a year of smiles, joy, and beautiful quilts

Cherie in St Louis said...

Merry Christmas and thank for your wonderful humor all through the year.

julieQ said...

Merry Christmas to Thunder and Lightning! And you, of course!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Merry Christmas to you and the kitties. I have not done the Apple System upgrade yet because I fear a similar thing happening to my software. Everything works fine now. If you were here, you could throw yourself in the newly fallen snow and cool down.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas. I have enjoyed reading about Molly and Buddy and seeing what you are sewing. dorthac at aol. I have a google account but for some reason it doesn’t recognize it here.

gayle said...

Merry Christmas to you and your stormy crew!
(I'm typing this with a cat draped over my right arm because this is how he chooses to sleep. I hope he doesn't grow up to be as heavy as Buddy...)

Shelina said...

Merry Christmas! I hope you get your computer things worked out. I've been having to reload the driver for my printer every time there is a windows update. I'm not sure if it is because of the updates or if it is because my hard drive is failing. But either way, I understand your frustration. My dog likes to help too. When he sees the steam coming out of my ears, he likes to distract me, which ruins my concentration.

Cathy said...

There is nothing worse than computer upgrades that cause issues. Not that I personally know, because Bruce does all that sh**. If I ever have to do it, I’ll just throw the computer out the window - problem solved! Merry Christmas/Catmas to you and Molly and Buddy from all of us here. Darla is asleep on my lap, pinning me down so I can’t get my shower or start the Christmas dinner. Yes, I’m actually going to get dressed and cook today (what is this world coming to?) xo

sue s said...

I enjoy your column- great "illustrations"of techniques! I've been fighting with EQ8 and my MAC; they just don't talk with each other well. As a consequence my IT tech (hubby) is also learning EQ8....