Thursday, September 23, 2021

Updates and Upgrades

 We are enjoying a fabulous upgrade in our lifestyle, but before we flaunt our good fortune, let's get through all the boring quilting stuff. Since I can never remember the name of the blocks and quilt that Alison Glass designed, I am going to refer to these as Glass chips from now on. In any case, I made more to fill out a section, and almost had enough for another column. Let's see if I can resist making it bigger.

I also made 102 more microspools and am showing you just a sample of them.  But the big news is that Molly's princess bed/tent arrived!

As you know, Molly and I watch the Kitten Academy shopping channel and saw the bed someone sent for the kitten "Princess Paisley." Of course, her mother Loom used it the most using it as her launching pad for attacks on toys and kittens (lovingly, but exuberant).  Given Molly's favorite kitten toy was a tulle bag, I knew she would enjoy this tent. (Unfortunately, the tulle bag shrunk drastically over time...)

This bed/playroom is perfect for the kitten that likes to hide yet stay the center of attention at all time. That said, this clearly did not meet any safety standards for children's stuffed animals. It comes wadded in a bag with six pointy plastic sticks, four corner protectors and four connectors and no instructions. However, what made it quite difficult to put together was that Molly insisted on being inside as I tried to put it together.

And best of all, the princess bed/tent is quite small which precludes its use by random dogs or ponies that might wander by.

Meanwhile, here are the shelves for cat food at my local grocery store. But of course, there is no reason to worry about us because we have a massive hoard of cat food stored away.

Our cat food reserve is so large and massive we've named it Buddy.


gayle said...

Oh, goodness - that's the Molly-est bed I've ever seen! (I suspect the Buddy-est bed would be made of cardboard and burlap. Poor Buddy.)

Barbara said...

Is Buddy as big as Custard? The Catterns definitely did a number on the pavilion. Nice to see that Molly enjoys hers just as much.

Cathy said...

Well, I actually thought of Molly when I saw that bed at KA. I think it’s hilarious. I’m going to miss Princess Paisley, so Molly is going to have to post more selfies. Did you hear about the new kitten, Tomfoolery?

Dorothy said...

I love the tent bed, not sure if Scampy & Shrimpy would though. They tend to be wide out in the open type of girls. Your grocery store looks like mine (F M) And yes, I am still in love with Buddy's eyes

MissPat said...

Is all the cat food made in China? Is it all on a cargo ship stuck out at sea, waiting to be unloaded at some port where there are no trucks to transport it to OR? Are you taking bets on how long the Princes tent lasts?

Dee W said...

Obviously you have never put a dome tent together, at night, in the rain. This would have been a piece of cake, since it looks to be the same set up. Such pretty spoiled babies. Love them bunches.