Sunday, October 30, 2022

Spooling Around

Yesterday I pulled out the spool project, took inventory and started sorting. I went through and ironed four patches with points that meet (and happily only had to send five back for reworking). Then I sorted two patches and singles. My plan is to have darks and lights on alternate diagonals throughout the quilt, but value is relative. So I'm trying to make good decisions in the early stages, but won't lay the blocks out until I have eight by eights. (Each block is 2 inches unfinished).

Buddy, however, didn't agree with my sorting criteria.

As I started to resort, Buddy joined me and explained that I was trespassing in his play you can tell by the mouse right above his head.  He also thanked me for the new slip and slide toys.

And here is a companion to the first place quilt from the Clark County quilt show (shown yesterday)...apparently there is a special group for OCD quilters.

Here is the maker of the quilt and her explanation of her role in the OCD conspiracy.

And here is a closeup.


Cathy said...

This quilt is lovely, and yesterdays’s blue ribbon winner quilt was simply breathtaking. But I quilt to stay out of therapy, not to cause it.

Julia G said...

I agree with Cathy - the prize winner is lovely, but I would rather play with scraps and make charity quilts.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Just love those bitty spools. The quilt is beautifully done. Typing with difficulty as Tugger is half laying on the keyboard and his tail is flicking me in the face.

Susan said...

I agree with Julia G.

gayle said...

I'm with Cathy!
I hope Buddy finishes sorting those itty bitty spools soon so you can get on with final assembly. His genius should be worth the patience, right?