Friday, August 9, 2024

August Winners and Postage Progress

I have been busy converting two patches into four patches. Unfortunately, I was so pleased with myself that I recalculated how many four patches I would need and discovered that my calculations were off by a factor of two.

 Molly prefers the sewing stage instead of the cutting stage because sleeping on the sewing chair is more comfortable. At this point, I am just cutting more postage bits.

And postage and bits brings us to the two August Fabric giveaway winners...both requested Kaffe fabric scraps and the other is making a postage stamp quilt. So maybe I am really making more bits because I am piling up more postage for a prize. 

I would also like to mention that in the past when I encounter a "no-reply" comment, I just make another pick. But this time I looked a bit deeper to assess how many "no-reply" comments there were and there were a lot. And at one time I was a "no-reply" commenter and had no idea, so I'm thinking that is true here. I will bring this up again for the next drawing, but you can check by looking at your Blogger profile page. If you don't have an email link on that page, you are a "no-reply" blogger. And its completely reasonable not to want to the email link on your profile page, but it does mean I have no way to contact you. 

And now, pardon me, while I go on a rant about inflation. Many years ago, Tula Pink released a fabric line called Tabby Road. This was wildly successful, so I was delighted that she was re-releasing the fabric line with new color ways. Well excuse me...but in the new line the kittens are inflated!!! This means fewer kittens per yard. Also, a common use for kittens is fussy cutting those adorable faces. But now the faces (while still adorable) are almost 2.5 inches wide. Massive! Tula should rename the fabric line Buddy Road. 

Oopsie addendum: So it turns out that the new Tabby Road line has two color ways of small kittens like before but ADDS the pink color way of inflated kittens. Either the fabric line was always like that or Tula responded incredibly fast to my concerns.


Anonymous said...

I think you are going to pay for that public Buddy comment. Just sayin!

gayle said...

Math is always laying traps like that. Good luck with the cutting!

Beth Strand said...

Lol...."Buddy Road" I love it!

Anonymous said...

Since I am not a blogger, only a blog reader, I don't understand what you're telling us about "no reply" Dorothy

Susan said...

Congratulations to the winners. I think it would be adorable to call it Buddy Road,

Anonymous said...

Fabulous fabric, I can imagine it backing a quilt, covering a lampshade......


Amy Kollasch said...

I try to change my post to be my name. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. I just add my email whenever I comment on the giveaway post

Carol said...

I don't understand either Dorothy. I only read the blogs so this is all Greek to me!

QuiltinginLakeOswego! said...

I'm not a blogger either and could not find a Blogger Profile Page, so maybe some of us need some instruction on this!
Does Buddy give lessons? said...

Oh my goodness. . .off by two times. . .that is a lot more little bits to cut!!! What an amazing project this is going to be!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sally! I got a wonderful package in the mail today with Kaffe “scraps” in it. More like Kaffe strips! Beautiful!! Buddy picked out some good ones. Thank you so much, they are very much appreciated.