Thursday, August 1, 2024

August Fabric Giveaway

 It makes sense that it was 100 degrees F (outside) as I was finishing this quilt and also explains why I took its photo in a darkened room. Although the original has a patchwork border, this one will not. (FYI, this is the Marmalade quilt from Kaffe's Quilt of Grandeur book (or something like that)).

And Molly and I played musical chairs as I finished the quilt top. For most of the afternoon she was snoozing on the official sewing chair which I rolled away from the sewing machine so I could finish the quilt top. After I finished, Molly returned to the spot in front of the sewing a different chair.

This is what a kitten looks like when she turns nine years old. You can't see what Buddy looks like because he is too busy with his new catnip toys. (Molly only received idiotic toys that are beneath her dignity unlike her cardboard box lined with tissue paper.....?????!?)

In honor of the birthday kittens, if you would like to participate in the August giveaway, leave a comment letting me know what fabric you would like if it were your birthday. If you are anonymous or no-reply, also include your email address so that I can contact you. The prize is enough of the  requested fabric to fill a USPS priority envelop.)

On August 5, at 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time, submissions will close. I will notify the TWO winners by email the next day asking for addresses and clarification about fabric preferences.

Unfortunately, due to the high cost of international shipping, the giveaway is limited to the USA.

Previous winners may enter again.


Julierose said...

I would love some orange fabrics....hugs, Julierose

Beth said...

I would love some low volumes - Molly has such a sweet face! Best Wishes, Beth in AL

Anonymous said...

Blues that go with plaids for quilts for high school boys.

Thanks for your kind offer.

mlor at ( g you know what).com

KT said...

I would go for aquas, browns, and neutrals if I were lucky enough to win.

Pamela Dempsey said...

Beautiful quilt! I love bright colors 🥰, thanks for the giveaway!

Linda Swanekamp said...

I also love to use blues and neutrals, but the only thing I hate are plaids and homespuns, so anything you want to send can be used by this scrappy quilter. Happy Birthday to the resident felines. Rosie was 2 in May.

Cathy said...

I forgot I was inspired to use some rose themed fabrics to make a quilt like Marmalade. I guess I should make a few blocks before I forget once again.

Well, anyway, if I'm not a loser this month how about some scraps that are the Cat's Meow.

Quilting Babcia said...

Since there are so many requests for low volume/neutrals, I have a current shortage of deep blue/indigo fabric pieces, though anything not holiday themed is welcome. New to me fabric always equals a happy day! Thank you!

Sylvia Siegel said...

I am using reds in a feedsack quilts, but would like to make a pieced border. Thank you for this offer. said...

Birthday greetings to Molly. . .she wears nine well! Your Kaffe nine patch finish is wonderful!!! I hear you about the temperature. I need to piece today so I will be using the iron and heating my space! I'm starting another quilt of valor project. . .stars with log cabins and scrappy to if you pick me, I'd like patriotic red white and blue! Stay cool as we are in for another scorcher today!

QuiltinginLakeOswego! said...

How about polka dots and stripes? These would make a very happy quilt. Molly and Buddy's twin lives with me, Snowball.
Stay cool. No AC here, but I have a hose.

Susan said...

It's a good thing you took the picture of the Marmalade quilt inside so the Marmalade didn't melt or run all over the quilt. :-)
Happy birthday to Molly and Buddy.
I am not fussy, but I can always use solids, marbled/blenderfabric, animal or music prints, and I am open to surprises too.

sue s said...

Your kitties keep me entertained! I'm looking for greens and reds on the brighter side; thank you for the chance!

gayle said...

Those kittens are NINE already? It seems like only yesterday that Team Storm came to live with you!
And since it really will be my birthday next week, I would pick out lights and plaids if the Stormcats draw my name.

Beth Strand said...

I've only told other cat people that the REAL reason I have two complete sewing stations is so that I can switch projects when the cats get too comfy to move. I'd be thrilled with any fabrics but blues and pinks would be quite useful.

Amy Kollasch said...

I will go with low volume neutrals. Good luck everyone.

Shirley said...

I cannot believe Molly and Buddy are nine years old. I am always on the hunt for gold/yellow and red fabrics. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.

Dee said...

My kitty cat just turned 15- still sassy and rules the house. Navy blues for me please.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your quilt progress. Your finished quilt is wonderful. I love the bright colors. Happy ninth birthday! I am gathering bright colors and fussy cut squares for my postage stamp quilt. Have a sunny month! vonnieh11@gmail/dot/com

Jerilea Hendrick said...

If Buddy and Molly would like to take turns picking out fabric, I'd be happy with whatever they choose. If they can't take turns nicely, then maybe some warm tone fabrics. Thanks for offering this opportunity. Have a super day!

Anonymous said...

If it were my birthday, i would love to have some Kaffe scraps so i could try to make a quilt similar to your beautiful one.

Rita Anne Hope-Haverman said...

It's fun to hear about your beloved kitties. Happy Birthday to them. For my birthday I would love to receive teal, blue and/or neutral fabric. Thank you.

Cindy F said...

Happy Birthday to the kitties! I just love your Marmalade quilt. I like the little pops of blue here and there too. This quilt should be on my list of quilts to make. I need to go look at my stash of Kaffe and see if I have enough orange reds to make it. Should I win the giveaway I'd love some browns and/or aqua/teal. I'd like to make two twin xl quilts from those colors and variety is always a good thing! Thank you for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to the twins! I would love to receive either orange or purple if I am lucky enough to win.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Can’t seem to follow simple directions…I would love orange or purple if I am lucky enough to win AND can follow simple instructions. My email is

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite quilts ever, so warm and rosy.
