Tuesday, July 30, 2024

More Postage

 My first sunflower bloomed. They were not too happy during the heat waves, so I think this one chose our only "rainy" (aka drippy) day to begin blooming. 

Meanwhile Mount Stripmore was reduced to a box of two patches that I am turning into a box of four patches for the postage stamp quilt.

And as usual, I need supervision. Or maybe this is just a cat ruse.

I know a lot of quilters buy sewing machines with larger throat spaces but I don't think that will help reduce furry lump interference.

So sometimes I give up the sewing machine chair way too easily which seems to take a lot of joy out of Molly's victory.

But I am sure she will be happy again in time for the August fabric giveaway.


Julierose said...

Great that you now have 4 patches ready to go...That must be a really comfy sewing chair--Molly seems to love it:)) hugs, Julierose

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

Your quilt advisors take their job very seriously. . .they must test all the products to ensure their viability! The amount of four patches is astounding!!!!

Susan said...

That is a lot of sewing, especially with supervisor watching you. I would tell her if she wants to sit in the chair she has to do the sewing (but then again, maybe not).

Linda Swanekamp said...

Oh, I just love that sunflower. I gave up growing those magnificent flowers because the squirrels bite off the heads right before they bloom. Your quilt advisors take their inspection very seriously, must be lots of pressure for you!

Cindy F said...

Love your helper! I wonder that she prefers the chair over the wonderful boxes of four patches. :)