Monday, July 1, 2024

July Fabric Giveaway

 I think I have now sewn enough postage stamps to cover postage for the two (soon-to-be) winners of the July fabric giveaway.

Here is some more of the Japanese fabrics that were in the bin from the quilter's estate sale. And if you would like hunks from each of these, just leave a comment on this blog post telling me that. Or maybe you want yukata cloth. Or maybe you want squares from my bin of 2.5 inch squares. Or per chance some batiks, thirties, novelty, orange, or neutral (specify white, beige, grey). We have even devolved to the concept of Buddy picking randomly from the Elfa drawers where we store 1/2 yard or less cuts. Maybe you would like Molly to randomly pick from the flat folds. 

When you leave a comment on this blog post. include your email address if you are anonymous or no-reply. On July 5, at 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time, submissions are closed. I will notify the winners by email the next day asking for addresses and clarification about fabric preferences.

Unfortunately, due to the high cost of international shipping, the giveaway is limited to the USA.

Previous winners may enter again (and by the way, no one is keeping track.)


Anonymous said...

I'd be delighted with some of the Japanese fabrics1

Lisa England said...

I love the Japanese one with the butterflies (second from left in top row) but mostly I would like pink, sage green, and/or orange. Thanks for the chance!
Lisaenglandvt at

Cindy F said...

I'm looking forward to watching your progress on the postage stamp quilt. I started one awhile back following the quilt made by kleinmeisjequilts...using solids with print. I think I was something like 12 blocks in when I noticed that a few blocks weren't the same size. Using different machines with different 1/4 guides wasn't a great idea. Set it aside and will get back to it someday. As far as the many wonderful choices but of course I'd love the yukata fabric. Thank you for the opportunity!

Cherie Moore said...

So fun seeing the treasures from your estate sale acquisitions:). No Buddy or Molly photos posted, will staff be chastised? Thank you for the fun giveaways! I would love purples, if I am selected. izoofan2 at hotmail dot com

KT said...

I would love some thirties prints if I am lucky enough to be chosen. Love seeing all the fabric you acquired from the estate sale! ktyoung1(at)gmail(dot)com

Pamela Dempsey said...

I would love some of the Japanese fabric that has the cute cats 😻thank you for the giveaway 🥰! said...

What treasures you "found" at that estate sale! Any fabric would be lovely. . .because I don't have enough of my own. . .Ha. . .which we know is not so! But, I can still ask!

or-ar quilter said...

You have the best collection of fabric and are so generous to share your bounty with the rest of us.
If I were so lucky to be selected for some of your fabrics, I would like 2.5” squares and//or Japanese prints and/or orange fabrics.

Thank you

Sandy said...

Think Buddy would make good fabric choices!

Cathy said...

I can never make choices as to what fabrics to use in a quilt so thats why I usually make scrappy quilts where anything goes. So random pick works for me.

(Had to look up the definition of yukata cloth. Learn something new every day...)

Quilting Babcia said...

I'll have to jump on the yukata bandwagon and beg for a few precious pieces. Just used most of my largest piece in my Bramble Blooms I quilt top, and planning to try another Kitty Pippen style quilt this winter when life slows down a bit (I hope). Thanks for the chance to enter the fray.

Christi said...

Love watching your quilts progress! I would love batiks, 30's, greys, or novelties (especially cats!). Thanks for the fun!

Susan said...

A piece of yukata fabric would be nice since it is new to me. I like the Japanese kitties and the two fabrics that look like they have origami figures on them. It would also be interesting to see what Buddy and Mollie would pick too. I would just be happy with anything you listed. :-)

Linda Swanekamp said...

Great collection of Japanese fabrics! Hope someone who loves them wins them and makes something wonderful. I don't think I can make room for another category of fabric, so I will celebrate for whomever the kitties choose.

Shirley said...

I am looking forward to seeing your progress on your postage stamp quilt. I keep thinking about making one but never progress beyond thinking. If I were the giveaway winner, I would choose yellow/gold or red scraps as a first choice. Since I love all scraps, I would be happy with whatever was selected. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.

QuiltinginLakeOswego! said...

Well, I was gonna say that I believe I am ready to make my Japanese (or Asian) Sunbonnet Sue quilt, which has been marinating in my head for years. However, I see lots of people have requested the Japanese fabrics. So, maybe some greens, if that is a category? Merci beaucoup. Anything is divine.

Leonore said...

Another drawing, yay! I would dearly love some beige neutral 2.5: squares for my current scrappy project.

Jerilea Hendrick said...

What is cuter than that Japanese cat print? Only a real cat. I wouldn't mind a sliver of that but your haul is all so cute and I've enjoyed you showcasing all of it. Thank you. Have a blessed day!

Amy Kollasch said...

I throw caution to the wind and will chose random and let Molly choose. Good luck everyone!

Beth said...

Have Buddy and Molly been picture shy lately? If they are too quiet it means unseen shenanigans are going on…LOL! Your fabric stash is awesome & you are very generous to share. I would love some low volume AKA backgrounds of a variety of color. Enjoy reading your posts. Beth in AL

LaDawn Dalley said...

I'd love prints suitable for 1" hexies!

Beth Strand said...

I'd love some of the prints but also neutrals and blues. :)

Anonymous said...

I am working on a postage stamp quilt. I would love to add more variety. Thanks for the chance at a piece of your stash.

Anonymous said...

I would love some thirties fabric!

Cindy Berry said...

How kind of you to offer up fabric - I am currently on a batik kick - so those would be nice. Thanks and Happy 4th!

gayle said...

I'll bet Molly is keeping track. Nothing gets by *her*...