Saturday, June 29, 2024

Another Starturday

 This is the third Starturday that I don't have a new quilting project to show. I am sure we share a mutual disappointment. I have excellent intentions but keep finding myself drawn to the same old projects. Here the Marmalade quilt from Kaffe's Quilts of Grandeur book has all its blocks constructed. I just put the blocks up and haven't yet moved any we'll see how many quilts don't get started while I dink around moving blocks around.

And its been a couple of weeks since I've been to a massive quilter's estate sale. Of course, I still haven't finished showing the fabric from the last one. Here are the hunks of yukata cloth that came in the bin. It turns out I already had the grey, blue and white fabric on the far right. I bought it on a trip to Berkeley, CA sometime in the early 80s.

And yes there will be another fabric giveaway on July 1. This is part of the package that went to one of the winners from last month. As I recall she asked for "unexpected children's fabric." I may have leaned a bit heavily on unexpected.

Last but not least, here is the sky from last Starturday. I looked outside and saw this and ran outside to take a photo. Happily, as a young child I was told that the white fluff in the sky is called "clouds" so I was only moderately stunned by the beauty, not panicked. 


gayle said...

That sky does look like what happens when cotton balls migrate...

Julierose said...

Happy that you didn't feel like: "the sky is falling, the sky is falling" a la "The Little Red Hen"...hahha very pretty snapshot...
Lovely yukata fabrics...very special...have fun petting your fabrics--hugs, Julierose

Cindy F said...

Swooning over your yukata fabrics. I picked up some when I lived in Japan years ago. I'm always hoping to find some in estate sales but since I'm in Utah not very likely.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I love the Marmalade quilt. All those wonderful colors all together. It must be fun sorting through all those unexpected fabrics.

Anonymous said...

Hi, great progress on Marmalade. I would like to enter your July 1 fabric giveaway. July 1 is my son’s birthday. Winning fabric would be memorable on his birthday! Enjoy July…eat watermelon. vonnieh11@gmail/dot/com

Beth Strand said...

Oooo...I love how that is looking. I think the moving around part is one of my favorites. I can spend days on it so when I have a deadline, I just set a timer and give my self a certain amount of time to move blocks around. (I mostly use that technique during project quilting.)

Susan said...

I confess that I have never heard of Yukata cloth. But we do get such clouds here a lot in Michigan.