Sunday, June 9, 2024

It's Sunnday

Of course, Sunnday is the day that one goes out and does Something Unbelievably Naughty/Nice. I chose to drive across town to a garage sale advertising a major fabric destash.

While the garage sale ad said that fabric would be sold in quarter, one yard and two yard increments, I couldn't help but notice the scrap bins at the top of the photo.  And sadly, when I arrived there were only hunks, not scraps. So completely out of character, I got up the nerve to ask if there were scraps available for sale. And yes, there were scrap bags that had been forgotten and these were brought out in a box. And the very naughty part was that since I was standing by the cashier, I grabbed the entire box and the devouring hoard at the fabric tables never knew what they were missing. (And as you can see by the photo, the scrap bags were a selection, not the entire stash.)

Here are the scraps laid out. And yes, there was one pieced block...yikes! It's as neat on the back as the front.

And these are some of the hunks I saved from the devouring hoard, I mean fellow quilters, while I got up my nerve to ask about the scraps.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! I love pre-owned fabric sales. My best acquisition was at an estate sale during COVID. They were selling fabric for $5 for whatever you could fit in a plastic grocery bag. By carefully folding, I was able to fit 20 to 25 yd in each bag. I ended up with 10 bags for $50 which I figure had between 200 and 250 yards of fabric total. That's like $0.25 a yard and it was beautiful fabric. said...

Wow. . .you scored on that sale! Way to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Fabric is so expensive in UK and I've never had a hint of any kind of estate fabric sale here. Colour me jealous! Elaine

Julierose said...

What a super haul you grabbed--uh I mean, chose-- hahaha:)) Good for you. With fabric prices climbing alarmingly these days, it's catch as catch can I think. Enjoy your loot!! Hugs, Julierose

gayle said...

Well done! Clearly those other shoppers were happy in their table quests, otherwise they'd have already been asking about scraps.
Can't wait to see what you do with them!

Beth Strand said...

So great! I'm debating with myself about the Coffee Creek sale next weekend. Do I need more fabric? No. Do I love a good fabric sale for a good cause? YES!

Susan said...

I believe everyone around where I live is still hoarding their stash. I have been to a few garage sales and thrift stores, but they are asking almost as much as the store would be asking for it on sale.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Lately, I have avoided the sales. If I knew they had what I was interested in, I would probably go and have to be reigned in. Good for you with the scraps.