Monday, June 3, 2024

A Rose Is A Rose Is A Peony

 Okay, in yesterday's post I mistakenly called a peony a rose. When the first comment mentioned peony, I looked at the photo again and realized the errors of my ways. 

My only defense (and a weak one) is that most peonies in Portland, OR tend to look like this. Drooping wet blobs kissing the mud.

But I was also curious about the color differences between peony and Kaffe rose, with the Kaffe rose showing highlights that veer to orange. Of course, this wasn't captured in the photo.. Also, you can see that the peony that pretended to be a rose, was now bowing its head like a true peony.

And coming back home I noticed this rose hiding in the hedges along the driveway doing its best Kaffe rose impression.


Julierose said...

I cannot grow roses here for some reason--so I have one peony--a white droopy one...but i do think they look alike in many ways...sometimes "A rose is not a rose is not a rose" hahaha..hugs, Julierose said...

The rain from the last couple of days made the peony flower heads droop and shatter. . .I did enjoy the blooms every previous day so I'm not too sad that Mother Nature hastened along their departure. The rose photos are terrific. The petals are so matured with color. I often wonder how that much color can get packed into each petal!

Susan said...

There are many kinds of roses and I have seen a few that don't look like the typical rose, so I forgave your mistake. The leaves were what told me it was not a rose. Rain can batter flowers pretty good, it sure made a mess of my peonies. Unfortunately, I cannot grow rose as the deer &/or rabbits eat them.

Beth Strand said...

A very rosy peony, perhaps? I have a very favorite rose, a Mr. Lincoln, which is the most lovely fragrent rose in my yard. Luckily for me, I had the dumb luck to plant it right outside a window and it gives my room a great fragrence.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Roses and peonies are both show stoppers. They don't last long, but they make a great impact. This year, my roses are the best they have been.