Sunday, June 2, 2024

Fabric in Real Life

 Last month I didn't post the fabric from the second giveaway. This was another random assortment chosen at the same time as the first one...that is, two fabrics drawn from each drawer. Cathy did post a picture of her winnings on her blog, but for reasons I can't fathom, the big cat heads were buried and barely visible. 

And I noticed this rose (yes, yes, its a peony) on my morning walk...and you'll have to take my word for it that it has the exact colorings as the rose in the Kaffe fabric for Marmalade. When I took the picture and saw it through my phone I was baffled because the coloring was a different hue of red altogether. So needless to say I couldn't bring it to the color I saw merely by tinkering with brightness. Molly suggested I try the "cataract" filter but I pretended not to hear her.

5 comments: said...

Molly doesn't leave any stones unturned does she. . .cataracts indeed! I like the kitty fabric that was in the second give away. I'm itching to play with the scraps I received. . .next month. . .I MUST make some significant progress on some projects. . . . .I do like the color of the peony though. . .

Cathy said...

Well, I didn't want anyone to be jealous and feel bad because they did not win big fat cat head fabric. I put it away in a special place for a special quilt. Funny thing is that a few months ago someone gave me a bag of 2 inch squares and in those squares were big fat cat head parts only that fabric was black on white. Those big fat cat head squares are currently used in four patches of black, white and one other color. Cat's eyes aren't just for marbles I guess.

A rose by any other name...

Dawn Sharafi said...

Is that a rose or a peony? It is so big, it makes me think it is a peony. Which are beautiful too. Lovely, lovely fabrics. Makes me want to make sawtooth stars and put them all in a quilt, all different.

Beth Strand said...

CAT-aracts, indeed! My eye doctor recently told me I have one forming in each eye - but we are years away from needing surgery so I can kick that can down the road.

Judy Forkner said...

That's a peony, not a rose. A very pretty one.