Monday, June 10, 2024

Moving On Now

 To cut the 1.25 rectangles for the postage stamp quilt, I pulled out my box of bits. In theory, these are pieces that are smaller than 2 inches by 6 inches, the requirement to make a microspool. But really, they tend to be less than 2.5 inches. I rummaged through this box pulling fabrics that could maintain some kind of identity as a .75 inch square. Unfortunately, I estimated that I will need about 4,000 bits (at least until I discover an error in my calculation that means I have to use a lot less or a lot more.

I counted and stacked the cut bits then grabbed a box to store them in before an errant cat disrupted the piles with her tail. Instead said cat measured the box and determined that it is the right size.

The box was confiscated by the authorities...

Here are roughly 900 bits, about 3,100 more to go. And yes, Molly's tail is out of frame in the upper right hand corner ready to sweep across the cutting mat. 


Anonymous said...

Ooo, how fun to search for hidden treasures in this quilt! Loving the strong colors.
TLcahaynes @

cbott said...

Surely the bit box is barer now?

Also, are we sure about the measurements of the chipmunk "rectangle"? Or are the remaining 899 bits going to be trimmed down to squares?

Looking forward to reading about the progress of this one!


gayle said...


Jerilea Hendrick said...

Cats = if it fits, they sits. :)

Susan said...

So what's the finished size of the quilt going to be? It will be interesting to watch the progress on this one.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Those are some tiny rectangles, but cute! Cats do not have great spatial reasoning when it comes to boxes. I am not sure what their criteria is. said...

Love that squirrel fabric! I laughed at the right size for me regarding the box. I imagine you'll need to keep the lid on because 900ish rectangles would probably be viewed as cushion!