Saturday, June 1, 2024

June Fabric Giveaway

Recently I decided to use a sewing machine to sew bits of fabric together. I found it quite enjoyable and may even remember the experience from an earlier time in my life...perhaps last month.

This is the start of the quilt Marmalade from Kaffe's Quilt Grandeur book. I'm not certain why its called Marmalade except that it is more appetizing than "Tomato Soup with Blueberries."

But let's get into the fabric giveaway where you leave a comment on this blog post (and email address if you are anonymous or no-reply) telling me what fabric you would like. Unfortunately, Buddy is out sick and can't participate. He came down with a bad case of "foot in mouth disease." At some point he may learn not to gesticulate with his paw in front of Molly's mouth, but until then he will limp around with a supersized paw.

Now back to the fabric giveaway...On June 5, at 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time, submissions are closed. Two winners are selected at random. I will notify the winners by email the next day, asking for addresses and clarification about fabric preferences.

Unfortunately, due to the high cost of international shipping, the giveaway is limited to the USA.

Previous winners may enter again.


Beth said...

Poor Buddy! I really like your Kaffe quilt block. I have a drawer full of scrappy cut 1.5 inch squares & this would be a good design to mimic. Please enter me in your fabric goody giveaway. Best wishes, Beth in AL

Julierose said...

I like your Marmalade piece--the colors certainly zing!! Kind of like marmalade on toast in the morning tastes....
sorry buddy is unwell...hugs, Julierose

Cherie Moore said...

Aw, poor Buddy…or is he currently going by Big Foot? I would love brights, if selected….it is quite generous of you to offer these monthly giveaways!

Anonymous said...

Naughty Molly! Never bite your brother or the hand that feeds you!! Love Kaffe. Was lucky enough to attend a lecture given by Kaffe in the 1980s when he was into knitting.

Yes, please enter me in the drawing. Anything you wish to destash would be lovely because I haven’t seen a single piece of ugly fabric on your blog - marciinidaho at yahoo dot com. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I hope Buddy heals well, and thinks twice about playing foot in mouth with sister again. I mean who wants a brother's foot in their mouth! One's own is bad enough, but a brother's!!!
For your giveaway, I love strong colors. But wacky or novelty fabrics might go into Happy Blocks, or background color blocks. Anything you are never going to use would cause excitement here.

Jean said...

Your new quilt just might serve as the inspiration for left-over Kaffe squares of my own. Yes. there are that many!
I'm hoping for theme fabrics which make me and the grandkids smile every time we find them in a quilt.

Quilting Babcia said...

Poor dear meek Buddy! Sammy sends wishes for swift healing. I would happily take you up on your offer if you have an overabundance of pale or even bright pastels.

Cathy said...

I'm not really a fan of orange but trying to be. I think I might; however, love marmalade. Not a lot of Kaffee here but I think I am inspired to try to make rose hip jam. It's always nice to stop and smell the roses and look through rose colored glasses.

And I was the lucky recipient of a random pick last month. Go random!

Best wishes to Buddy for a speedy recovery.

QuilterLaura said...

Hoping Buddy gets better soon! I could use some red, white, and blue for a quilt of valor.ty for the chance to win!

Lucy said...

Ooooo, that marmalade is GORGEOUS! Thank you for the chance to win. Please, do draw "Lucy". I hope Buddy recovers well.

Anonymous said...

The marmalade quilt is stunning. I love the combination of orange and pink. Thanks.

Brenda said...

I love the colors in the Marmalade quilt. It is quite bold and hard to ignore, for sure. I do love fabrics that lend themselves to fussy cutting and also find myself in need of some low-volume fabrics. I really love that Marmalade pattern idea.

Pam said...

Sign me up!

Amy Kollasch said...

Poor Buddy. I will change my fabric choice this month to light neutrals (tan, brown family) good luck everyone!

Leonore said...

Mahvelous Marmalade! I adore working with tiny squares and have buckets full of them. This looks like a great design to use some of them and also a great use of large print fabrics as focus (foci?). Please enter me in your fabric giveaway. Leonore Neumann, thanks so much!

Jerilea Hendrick said...

Hi Sally, thanks for this opportunity. I would gladly accept any theme you have too much of and want to get rid of. I especially like red and gold.

Susan said...

I am not a big fan of Kaffe fabrics but I like what you did with these. That's a lot of color in what you have started in that picture, but is works so well.

I hope Buddy's paw heals well. If I win, you can surprise me.

Magpie Sue said...

Looks like orange marmalade to me! I love orange (and pink and yellow and lime green and purple 😉). I do not need to win any fabric, just couldn't resist saying how delicious this new quilt project looks.

Shirley said...

Poor Buddy! I love all fabric scraps. If selecting a color, I would put yellow/gold at the top followed by red. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.

Lizzy D said...

What a beautiful quilt. My kind of colors and style. I never win--but I would love to.

KT said...

Wishing Buddy a speedy recovery! I would like browns please! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Marmalade looks deciduous so far! Please enter me in your giveaway. cgs61015@gmail.con

gayle said...

Oh, that Buddy. Imagine his gall trying to stuff his foot in his sister's mouth...

Anonymous said...

Hi, Please enter me into your drawing. Your Marmalade quilt will be stunning. Any fabrics will be loved and used in my postage stamp quilt. I am looking for bright variety. Thanks for sharing.

Bjwalsh101 said...

Yummy Marmalade quilt!
I am interested in neutrals and orange fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jikke13 said...

Any brights would be lovely. I have a lot of KF more abstract batiks I have never used. This pattern would work!

Beth Strand said...

Oh my, those colors make me want to run right home and sew (pesky employment!) I'd love brights, I'm working on wonky birds this month.
Poor Buddy, give him a pet for me!

Sally said...

Your Marmalade quilt gives me inspiration for some of the wilder fabrics that need a project. Random fabrics would be great, I make charity quilts in sizes from NICU to twin and unexpected fabrics are fun to use.

CBG said...

I love your color choices. I am always wanting to be more adventurous with my choices and especially with value. Whatever you would like to give would be used and appreciated.

Caroline McClain said...

I love frights and I love your marmalade quilt. Please enter Meit in the giveaway.

QuilterLaura said...

The package arrived today and it is full of lovely fabrics. Not just "scraps" but larger pieces as well. I can not thank you enough. These will be in my next quilt of valor, for sure! Thank you again, and give Buddy some pets from me!