Monday, June 17, 2024

Weekend Bender Recovery: Fabric Edition

When you see an empty bin like this the day after an estate sale, you know that you not only over-indulged, but binged, sorting through too much fabric all at once.

When I go to a quilter's estate sale, I often look for the scrap basket...the container under the cutting table that takes the off cuts, failed projects, misplaced blocks etc. In contrast, this was more of a seamstress's estate sale and there were several miscellaneous tubs of fabric. It was very crowded so without digging into them, I just picked one and bought a mystery bin (of course within the context of knowing the quality and range of the extensive stash).

And let's start with first things first. As of today, I think this is my favorite hunk of fabric in the bin.

Here are most of the hunks of fabric in the bin that were similar to the giraffes. The largest piece shows birds transforming into fish and the selvedge says "Copyright Escher Heirs 1980."

A typical quilter scrap bin has scraps in squares and strips, but this had much larger hunks from a fat eighth to a fat quarter yard.  These were the yellow, green, red and pink hunks.

Here are the purples and blues and a weird tulip fabric (that I already have a yard of!)

Here are the browns (and grays). And so far, I have shown about a third of what was in the bin. Another third of the bin was Japanese fabric which I will show tomorrow. Not shown are holiday-themed novelty and solids. There were also a couple of deconstructed men's plaid shirts (who would do such a thing?).

And it may look like Molly and Buddy are recoiling in horror at all the fabric, but really they are huddled on a heated mat because their cruel staff turned off the heated beds in front of the picture window when outdoor temperatures went into the 80s. And with the house heat turned off they are fighting for their lives to survive indoor temperatures in the high 60s.


cbott said...

Nice haul, not a single thread of which I lust after. I'm seeing a sneak peek of several the the Japanese fabrics in the 2nd photo--they look cute!


MissPat said...

Maybe you can sneak some of the weird tulip fabric in the next few scrap offerings. You can blame it on Buddy.
Pat said...

Love those giraffes! That bin was well packed! I had a couple of those reds and the pink stripe in my stash . . .once. It's always fun to look if my stash has any similar scraps as are pictured. There are so many fabrics out in the "wild" that I rarely recognize any print!

Susan said...

Lots of interesting fabrics. So, you turned off the heated beds, but turned on a heated mat. Trying to figure out what difference it makes other than they have to share.

Cathy said...

I had fun looking through all that with you!