Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Weeds, Errands, Driving: Not Enough Sewing

 I assume that being this ridiculous is harder than it looks. 

But today I put aside distractions and made some particular, I got the June fabric giveaways cut and packaged so I can mail them off tomorrow.

And two of the highlights of too much driving today was seeing roses in full bloom working as highway landscaping and seeing Mt. Hood come out of hiding (while having been there all along).


Anonymous said...

Being that ridiculous looks pretty comfy to me
I only drive through Portland once a year any more, on my way to Sisters, and don't really go "through" Portland, you all have too many bridges (and I use to think Seattle had too many). I have always enjoyed your roses
Dorothy in W WA

gayle said...

It takes years of commitment and practice to reach that level of ridiculous. I salute them!

Susan said...

After PT today I felt that ridiculous.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I could use a little ridiculous. Roses are always so beautiful.