Friday, May 17, 2024

Smallest Unit of Progress

Here is my latest bunch of hexies. If at some point I post a photo of a single hexie, that is the time for some kind of intervention.

The woodpecker and wren were printed at Spoonflower from some designs I made back when I spent a lot of time using Photoshop. And it was so long ago that the photo of my cat that I also printed using Spoonflower was not Buddy or was Jimmy!

Back on May 9, I showed all the various Kaffe sand dollar fabric (designed by Brandon Mabley) that I had. Turns out I have three more. I was cutting a scrap of the orange and pink and thought...wait a minute...then I didn't a second search and found these.

And here is what is happening in the front yard. Portland is known as Rose City for a very good reason. When I moved in, there was already a row of roses planted along the driveway under some trees. They get no care from me which apparently is why they thrive.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I have a tiny piece of the pink/orange but have never seen the other colors. I don't know how I missed all of these when they first came out. said...

That rose is gorgeous! So. . .cats that come to live at your house are black and white. . eh? Jimmy looks like he was a character!

gayle said...

Omg, Jimmy was long ago, wasn't he? I think I've been reading your blog since back in the days when you were fostering kittens by the bushel - until Molly arrived and put a stop to all that. (Jimmy and Tommy were always on your mind, as I recall.)

Susan said...

Beautiful rose and cute hexies.

Beth Strand said...

My roses thrive on neglect....and a good pruning!