Thursday, May 9, 2024

Odds and Ends

 You wouldn't think that Buddy had that much to be ashamed of, but Molly and I know that he does.

And here is an older line of Kaffe fabric (Brandon Mabley). I pulled out the burgundy version of the Marmalade quilt, and then went looking for all the other versions. There are various ways to sort fabric such as by designer or by color. For the most part, I go with color, but more recently my strategy is "if it fits, it sits."

Finally, in administrative and Giveaway news, I have not been able to get contact information from one of the winners, so our new second winner for the May giveaway is Cathy of Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting.

And there is a reason to exclude "no-reply" comments from the giveaway...because there is no way to email the winner unless they include the email in some form in the comment. I have only received another comment, but it was also no-reply. 


Susan said...

Sounds like you are taking up the cat mantra for your fabrics. :-)

Linda Swanekamp said...

Oh, I am so thrilled Cathy won! She makes more comfort quilts and is more creative with what she gets than anyone I know! I don't think cats feel shame. I think they have a permanent "what me?" attitude.

gayle said...

Yeah, cats are pretty much stuck in "oh, don't be ridiculous" mode when you try to point out their shame...