Thursday, May 2, 2024

Reaction and Retraction

While discussions of layering quilts may suggest restraint from starting new quilts, its more like there are so many potential new starts that they are completely jammed up in the doorway and I am unable to move forward. I was cleaning out an old computer, and found this...definitely a wonderful use of plaid dress shirts. 

Also, when layering up the star string quilt, I went back to this post:

from 2018. And it includes the link to the inspiration quilt from the Pat Nichol's collection at the Mingei Museum. So I may have gone down that lovely rabbit hole of scrappy and string quilt ideas and added to the new quilt jam up.

Meanwhile, my lawyer Buddy Esquire says I have to print a retraction to my discussion of Molly's interaction at the vet's office. Molly was well behaved during the blood draw and getting her rabies shot. So her blood draw was not tit for tat. She does not like to be forcibly constrained which didn't happen until she was carried "wrapped in a towel like a burrito" ... like putting a cat in a harness or a collar that seems like a snug fit only to find its really three times too big as the cat slithers away. So Molly's blood draw was a side effect of her Houdini demonstration.

And yes, Molly's bloodwork was excellent. Also, she is normal weight and was the same weight this year as last. And her teeth are clean and she doesn't need a dental cleaning. And like most overlords, her biggest problems stem from problems with staff.


Julierose said...

I love that cross-patterned quilt, Sally--so beautiful...
Molly looks so benign sitting there...hahaha hugs, Julierose

Anonymous said...

Glad that Miss Molly is right on point health wise. Maybe she can interest Buddy in galloping sprints around the fabric corral.
Your spiderweb or star string top looks like it’s absorbed quite a few strings! I’m wondering how you know if you have enough blue dot fabric, before you started. Did you draw it out in EQ or on draft paper; or it’s someone else’s pattern and provided yardage?
I’m working almost entirely in scraps, and have stuck with white for safety. I’d much rather jump into other ‘background’ colors. What advice do you have? Minimum 1/2 yd, yd…? I have EQ, but have only briefly played in it before I upgraded.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for offering a drawing. I’d welcome anything that the crew thinks should go live & work in S. California for a while.

gayle said...

Dammit. Adding another quilt to the queue...

Lynn Dykstra said...

It is mine!
How good to see you saved it and found it!
I made the top in 2009, lost it for 7 years, then finished it in 2016.
Love that quilt--gave to a niece.
I never regret a new start!