Saturday, October 29, 2022

Attention Deficit Disorder

A certain cat with attention deficit disorder is not happy with my taking blogging responsibilities from Buddy. She is using my arm as her head rest in a determined effort to make typing as difficult as sewing and that she continues to have 100% of my attention.

That said, I am now using an updated version of Photoshop Elements and that seems to have taken care of the weird discoloration I was getting with the other photo program. So that is making things easier. Also, I remember the keyboard shortcuts which reduces Molly Cat disruption.

And yes I am continuing to fuss with the Shards quilt (from Kaffe Fassett). When I put it up on the design wall again I found I was two blocks short...then I made some replacements for blocks that were too dark...or to yellow. And I now realize that I prefer making the shard blocks more than the quilt itself. Oh well...

At the Clark County Quilters' show, this quilt was hanging next to the sheep quilt. The sheep were not too happy and thought that OCD quilts should be hung in a separate area. I tried to reassure them that fine workmanship is not contagious.

Here is the quilt description (without the appropriate psychiatric diagnosis included).


loulee said...

Mariners in a pickle is stunning. I had to laugh at her notes. I think I would have had to add expletives to the list of many things concerned in it's making. I'm sure there would be a few of those if I tried to make one of your shard blocks too. Maybe try a sashing fabric between the shard blocks, that might help?

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I think you may have cured me of my desire to make the shards quilt. Each block is a wonderful thing by itself but putting them all together is a puzzle of its own. I have made a few quilts like that myself where I was much more pleased with each of the mini quilts than the final project.

Unknown said...

I just love the days when I get a blog from you and your quilting companions! What a wonderful writer (and quilter!) you are!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Hmm, you have your work cut out for you with those kitties. Don't all cats have ADHD? Whatever catches their fancy, even for a millisecond, gets pursued. How about skinny lattice in the shards quilt? Might give them some more air for all their design. They look wonderful.

Anonymous said...

So funny!

Susan said...

The shards can be turned into cat beds, or hot pads, etc., or like others said, some sashing between them might help.