Saturday, July 6, 2024

Starturday Success!

 It's a bit late in the season to be starting seeds, but that didn't stop me from starting Kaffe's Seed Packet quilt. I couldn't decide whether to make the red version or the blue, so I decided to make both and have a reversible quilt. I am going to consider this a low volume quilt...meaning I'm not going to put a lot of energy into it. As I encounter Kaffe floral fabric in my stash, I'll cut 8 inch squares or 4.5 inch squares depending on the pattern.

Meanwhile, I've tinkered a bit with block placement and think I am only a few tweaks away from starting to sew it together.

I also have been making progress going through the bit box for the postage stamp quilt. This version has a checkerboard of stamps and neutrals.

I sew the bits to neutral strips and then iron them. Next I will cut them down to a height of 1.25 inches.

Meanwhile, Molly decided that there would be FOUR winners...two requesting Japanese fabric and two regular winners. Staff is not allowed to announce the winners until we have heard back from all of them. Also, Molly says not to judge her for continuing to use her heated pad during a heat wave. Apparently hot house temperatures don't quite knock off the chill. Right now she is laying on the only bit of sun I'm letting in the house during our "heat wave" (as defined in Portland, OR terms.)

We explained the new fabric giveaway plan to Buddy but we think his brain stalled out at "Four."

7 comments: said...

Love your love volume Kaffe! I can't believe Molly and her heating pad! It's just too darn hot and about to get hotter!

Cherie Moore said...

Love Molly’s cute pink pad on her back foot….probably where all her heat escapes and why she needs the extra heating warmth ;-)

gayle said...

Well, four is a VERY large number...

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm working on my next seed packet quilt and am going to go with 8.5" and 4.5" because I have rulers those sizes and it will be easier to just cut around the whole ruler instead of 2 cuts, turn and 2 more cuts.

Susan said...

Molly looks comfortable. Buddy looks like I do when it gets hot and humid.

QuilterLaura said...

Oh Molly, you're so beautiful! I can't wait to see your postage stamp quilt!

Mystic Quilter said...

The Seed Packet quilt is on my list - cutting just squares is very appealing. The particular fabric you've used for the 3 squares here is a stunner.