Thursday, August 30, 2018


These are the larger spools built off of 1.5 inch strips. I decided to make this quilt larger...or rather rectangular. This meant another hundred or so spools, which I don't mind. Since I am making this a charm quilt with no duplicates of the same fabric, I get to wallow in fabric. That makes for a lot of happy.

Yesterday was less productive because Molly chose the hot seat (that is, my sewing chair) for her sleeping nook.

I did get the courthouse step blocks sewn together and a border sewn on. And yes, I couldn't resist using the Concord Multi from the 80s. It was everywhere. Hopefully, if you recognized this fabric, you had a good laugh.

Here is Molly counting her plunder at the base of the design wall.


gayle said...

Hopefully Molly will share her wealth. With you, particularly.

Cathy said...

Yep, I had some of that fabric. Or one of its iterations. Made boho purses and finally sent the last of it (home dec weight) to Goodwill about 4 years ago. Glad to see Molly is back to work.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Your courthouse steps look great. And it is great to use an older fabric - most courthouses are pretty old, after all.

Louise said...

Laughing at Shasta's comment!! :D

QuiltGranma said...

Progress of any kind is always good, even if delayed by Miss Kitty in your chair. Let sleeping cats lie?

Roxanne said...

I still have some of that fabric. Haven’t laid eyes on it for a while but every time I do I still love it for the amazing fabric it was when I first saw it with “80s eyes”. Love your blog!