Sunday, April 2, 2023

Spool Puzzle

 I need to arrange the blocks to get a bit of movement in this quilt but was not looking forward to stepping up and down from a chair while pinning and unpinning the blocks from the design wall. So I took a photo, printed it out, labeled the back to match the blocks on the design wall, then cut apart the paper version of the quilt. These are much easier to move about. As you can see, I ran out of steam and didn't figure out what to do with the darker blocks so they make up a column on the right side.

 Buddy made a lot more progress with his artwork. It's a still life with catnip banana and mouse toy.

That was the best Buddy could do given the limited materials he has to work with. (The quilt top is roughly 32 inches square.


gayle said...

Good call on that printout strategy! And good luck in the final shift of all those blocks!
Buddy always does his best. And what higher praise could there be?

Linda Swanekamp said...

What is it about cats that they have to ball up a quilt into a massive mess? Tugger used to do it and Rosie is following in his paw steps. I lay the quilt on the floor and go get the camera and poof- I come back to crumple pile. Usually containing a plastic spring toy. I would put the dark blocks in the middle, but hey, that is me.

Quilter Kathy said...

I love the spools so much! Such a great idea to work on the layout in paper form!
Or you could go totally scrappy like our friend Cathy at the Sane, Crazy, Crumby quilting blog and put them together with no plan!
It will be amazing either way!

Susan said...

I didn't really notice the blocks on the right were darker until you mentioned it. What I noticed is trying to look at the individual spools in some of the lighter blocks made my eyes spin.

Buddy is an improvisational artist.

cbott said...

It's the ovals that pop out to me--the spool values come in a distance second. My eye keeps moving and isn't bogged down by dark spools at all.

I used the cut and arrange method for working out a setting for a Log Cabin quilt ( My boy cat closely supervised, hoping I'd crumple up a piece and flick it across the room for him to chase. He's weird like that. Not Buddy weird, but weird enough in his own way.
