Thursday, December 21, 2017

Spiderweb and Scrap Patrol

The march of the spiderwebs continue. I thoroughly enjoyed making the spiderweb blocks because I got to play with weird combinations and funny i-spy pieces. This fun continues as I put the blocks together. I am watching to prevent areas of too much light or dark, but mostly I turn the webs until I get odd combinations of scraps or combinations of animals to play together.

And a lot of my day was spent with this. I moved old finished project remnants into a central parts department and moved unsewn bits to a centralized scrap heap. I also have bins from various attempts at methods like Bonnie Hunter's strip system that were resorted. And then there was a lot of added chaos from a couple of moves this year.

In general, I have settled on keeping fabric as whole as possible for as long as possible...keeping those larger hunks in Elfa racks. For example, to make a chicken, I need a 6 by 9 inch rectangle of light fabric and a 4.5 by 5.5 rectangle of wing fabric, plus neutral background strips. This leaves each larger fabric hunk looking partially devoured by locust, but it keeps the scraps down.

But now that I'm making a thimble quilt and have plans for a postage stamp rainbow quilt, I thought it was time to get this stuff sorted consistently.

Buddy and Molly prefer the piles of scraps on the floor method...ideal for sneak attacks and hiding toys and general mayhem.


Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Loving your 'spiderwebs' quilt, lots of scrappy goodness! And the teal is perfect between them. Merry Xmas.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I just love your spiderwebs. I, too, hate to cut pieces down as you never know when you need that size piece. They only get to the final chop if that's all that's left of it.

Needled Mom said...

They are really pretty.

gayle said...

My cat says to tell you he's very envious of Buddy and Molly and their Four-Cat-Beds-on-Wheels.