Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Here is one of those famous illusory photos where you just can't quite figure out if its a vulture or Buddy the cat. Molly notes that in Virginia, turkey vultures are quite common. Also, Buddy was born in Virginia. Ipsy Ditsy, this means Buddy is a turkey.


Dorothy said...

With those beautiful blue eyes, how could he be a "turkey"?

gayle said...

Our buddy Buddy, a cat of many faces. Pony, puppy,turkey? He does it all, and all with such style.
What will he come up with next? Condor? Crocodile? Can't wait!

Cathy said...

Buddy is so darn cute! I love his facial markings. And Molly would do well to remember that she was born in Virginia, too. Gobble, gobble...

QuiltGranma said...

oh, for the love of cute kitties!