Saturday, November 23, 2019

Sewing Saturday

I coaxed all of the sheep up on the design wall, and chose the obvious layout: The PartisanSheep Divide. To use this layout, however, I need to make three right-leaning sheep and five left-leaning sheep. And now that this fellow is finished, I only need to make two right-leaning sheep.

And these are the last of the pinwheels I needed to finish up my "Chantal's Pinwheel." And if I am super lucky, I will be able to post this on the Rainbow Scrappy Challenge. I think I have finally figured out why I have had trouble with links and comments.

And yes, Molly has forgiven me for forgetting that you can't demote the center of the universe. I think she was feeling sorry for me so she let me watch bird videos with her on youtube. Buddy came along and was washing her face. Then he grabbed her ear in his mouth and tugged...and Molly squeaked. Combined with chewing on computer cords, he is doubly demoted.

Buddy says he can't help it, because he likes spicy food.


Barbara said...

Dearest Molly...

I know exactly what you mean. Smitty does that to me all the time. He says he’s toasting the end of November, and he says “Ears to you!” But I don’t believe that. I think he just gets tired of toe jam.

Thank you for listening, Sadie

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on finishing up the last of the Pinwheels for that RSC quilt!! Best of luck sorting out the sheep.

Cathy said...

Dear Molly,
Alfie wouldn’t dare try to nip my ear, because he knows I would respond with a good wallop that would thump him into next week. And I’d do it whilst getting nary a single fur out of place.
Yours, Darla
PS - Great supervisory work on that delicious looking sheep and the plan for the quilt. I especially like your ratios.

QuiltGranma said...

Such beautiful fur-babies you have!