Friday, July 24, 2020

Collecting Stamps

These are the postage stamp blocks I have so far. Definitely need more orange and purple blocks. Probably green too.

Meanwhile, we are continuing to get visits from "Tiny." Buddy named him that because he's a full-grown cat, but he's the size of a kitten...that is, Molly's size. I am staying as far away from that discussion as I can. To complicate matters, Tiny is not one to be scared away by a mere human. He obviously has staff who know and respond to the command "Let me go outside at night."


gayle said...

Yes, definitely more orange and purple. (But I always say that, no matter what the situation.)
Poor Buddy - taunted by a Tiny...

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Just awesome!

Cathy said...

We used to have a night-prowling cat in our neighborhood. One night Alfie was sitting in the front window between the glass and the shutters, and the prowling cat jumped against the windows. Alfie stood his ground (he understands the protection of glass) but it scared the bejesus out of Bruce and me. I did go out and shoo off the cat. Haven’t seen the prowler, though, in months, so maybe his humans moved. Love, love, love those postage stamps. Yes to more green!

Mystic Quilter said...

Wow, your collection is growing quickly!

Pamela said...

Love the way this sparkles. Like pixels. I need to be doing something like this with my collection of 2.5" squares and my collection of plains (gathered in my Amish period).

Jerilea Hendrick said...

Love your progress on the postage stamp quilt. Its fun to watch the progress of each block as you make them. I really want to start one but seriously can't justify it. But I think next years rainbow scrap challenge could definitely justify it.

Cathy said...

When will you have enough stamps in your collection?

QuiltGranma said...

That is quite the carnival of stamps!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Love all your colourful postage stamp blocks! I do like the way you have combined solids in, very effective!