Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Zippers and Too Much Excitement

Zippers are the palette cleanser between postage stamps.

And this is Buddy about a half an hour before he had a complete hissy fit when a strange cat came up to him at the back screen door. Just to make things interesting, this cat looks just like Molly except for the face...no mark on the nose plus the mug of a tom that has weathered many fights. But my first reaction was how did Molly get outside?

P.S. Buddy can get really loud.


Cathy said...

Zippers are a palette cleanser between any two projects. Did you see Bessie playing with Bebop’s tail today for almost 8 minutes? Bebop was amazingly patient with her.

Katie said...

Quiet kitties do get rather loud when an unknown stranger appears. My Freddie turns into a terror and corners his housemate kitties and tries to beat them up because he cannot get to the Tom outside. And we once had a barn cat that looked very much like one of the house cats - the one who was very good at escaping. It was hard to tell them apart until Lexie got fat on the good life and Laney stayed skinny (we fed her well, but still...she was W.I.L.D.!) The blocks are looking great and give Buddy some love from me, too, for being so brave in the face of danger.

gayle said...

Buddy might have had the same first reaction as you did, which would set off a hissy fit in anyone - "Hey, how come SHE gets to go outside?!?" Followed by an also reasonable reaction - "Hey, how dare you look like my SISTER?!?"
As if life isn't confusing enough without throwing wild doppelgangers into the mix...

Nancy said...

I'd like to know, please, are Buddy and Molly cuddly cats? Their fur looks so deliciously thick and luxurious, and they look cuddly. But perhaps not.